Smell the Roses

Sunday, December 13, 2009

HUMN 341 week 5 analysis

Gay woman wins Houston mayoral race

Houston made history with the first openly gay candidate winning the election. Annise Parker plan to transform all Houstonians for the better. Has this election changed the world for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community? Well, it depends on which category one falls under. The questions for the city of Houston should be. Does sexuality matter in politics? Can a gay person make rational decisions? The vote margin shows Parker with 53% of the votes.

Parker's sexuality has been the focus of this campaign, but voters have shown society that culture can change and the best person for the job shall reign, by putting past beliefs in the past. Although anti-gay activists and religious groups were against Parker because of her homosexual behavior, the public vote still was in her favor.

How will this effect Houston as a city or the nation as a whole? Only time will tell, however I feel somehow we have not heard the last of this.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

HUMN 341 Assignment 4-1

What is Tiger hiding?

The media is having a field day with Tiger Woods. Is he really hiding something or does he want to be normal and keep his private life, private? Well, with all the fame he has acquired through the years he cannot be placed on a chart with normal people. He is truly a public icon and his life is considered public by the media. Whatever the truth is, Tiger is not talking, at least not to the police or the media.
With all the speculation going on Tiger Woods has somehow avoided talking with anyone in the public arena. Six women have come forward to announce that Tiger is truly a tiger. However, these stories are one sided and Tiger has not shared his side to these uneven novels. The media is jumping to conclusions because Tiger is not the Dummy some may have taken him for. i think the media and everyone else should leave Tiger ALONE. If he is guilty of anything, he owes his wife an explanation, not the public. I am tired of seeing the media stretch situations out of proportion and leave families torn apart because of mistakes made in private. Just because Tiger is not willing to come out and trash his wife/ mother of his children, does not mean that maybe the man does not feel bad about what has happened.
Until Tiger talks, all of this is pure speculation. The Bible challenges "all without sin cast the first stone". Seems like a good statement to me.